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发表时间:2024-02-28 14:05:16      香雪儿





1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:table桌子 bed床 bookcase书橱,书柜 sofa沙发 chair椅子 drawer抽屉

2.表位置的介词短语:under the table在桌子下面 on the sofa在沙发上in the backpack在双肩背包里 under the bed在床下面 on the chair在椅子上 on the dresser在梳妆台上on the table在桌子上 in the drawer在抽屉里 on the floor在地板上3.math book数学书 4.alarm clock闹钟puter game电脑游戏 tape录像带7.take sth. to sb.把某物带给某人

take these things to your sister把这些东西带给你姐姐8.ID card身份证9.bring sth. to some place把某物到给某地bring some things to school把一些物品带到学校10.pencil case铅笔盒11.in the bedroom在卧室12.in the kitchen在厨房

句型:Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack.

Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.

Where are his keys? They’re on the dresser.

Where are your books? They’re on the chair.

Where are her keys? They’re on the table.

Where are you? I’m at school.

Is it on the dresser? No, it isn’t.

Please take these things to your sister.

Can you bring some things to school?

The book is on the floor.

语法: 1,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “……在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点

注意:表示“在……地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.

词语用法:1, take v.带走, 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take …to… 把……带到……去

bring v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bring…to… 把……带到……来

2,please 后接动词用原形。

句式:1.询问地点——Where + be动词 + sth. 答语——It is/They are + 表位置的介词短语—Where’s my backpack? —It’s under the table.

—Where are your books? —They’re on the chair.

—Is the baseball on the sofa?—No,it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

—Are they on the bed? —No,they’re not.

3.祈使句——Please do sth. Please take these things to your sister…

4.can引导的一般疑问句 Can you bring some things to school?

5.倒装句——Here + be动词 + 主语 Here is my pen.

Here are some apples.

1)_______(this) are my parents.

2)_______(that) are his friends.

3)Is this his father? No,_______ isn’t.

4)Is his mother your friend? Yes,________is.

5)Thanks _________your interesting book.

6)There _______ a photo of my friends.

7)My parents are _________teachers.



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park,

message, take a message, could, back, problem


① —How's the weather in Beijing?

—It's sunny.

② —Can I take a message for him?

—Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?

—Sure, no problem.

2) 能用所学的知识描述天气情况。


2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) The vocabulary and useful expressions.

2) —How’s the weather?

—It's raining/ windy.

3) —What are you doing?

—I'm playing basketball.

2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in

1. Greet the Ss and check the homework.

2. Watch a video program about the weather.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. (Show some pictures of the weather)

Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is.

Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures.

2. Look at the pictures in 1a. Then read the new words on the right. Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures.

3. Check the answers.

Ⅲ. Game (How's the weather?)

1. (Showing some pictures on the big screen.) Ask Ss "How's the weather?"

2. Ss guess and answer the question.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. Now let's look at the city names in the box in 1b. Please read after me.

Ss read the cities after the teacher.

2. Now, We’ll hear four conversations. Listen carefully, point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape. Play the recording a second time. Ask Ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.

3. Check the answers.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Tell the Ss: If you are in one of the places in the picture above. Talk about the weather

with your friends in another city on the phone.

2. Make a model with a student like this:

T: Hi! How's the weather in Beijing?

S1: It's sunny.

3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the weather in the cities.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. Work on 2a.

Let's see what Joe's families are doing. Point to the 4 pictures.

2. Ask Ss tell each person is doing in each picture. More attentions should be paid

to the correct use of the Present Progressive Tense.

3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures [1-4].

4. Play the tape for Ss to check the answers.

5. With the whole picture, get some Ss to tell the story of it.

6. Brainstorming

Play the tape for another time. Then do a memory test.

Ask Ss: What's Uncle Joe/Jeff/Mary/Aunt Sarah doing?

What're Scott and Lucy doing?

Is Jeff watching TV? etc.

7. Let Ss match the names with the activities in 2b.

Play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner.

2. Ask a student the questions as a model:

T: What's Uncle Joe doing?

S1: He's playing basketball.

3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions:

① What's Steve doing?

② What's Rick's brother doing?

Ss read the conversations and answer the questions. Then check the answers together.

2. Let Ss role-play the conversation in pairs.

IX. Language points.

X. Exercises





Unit Four Where’s my schoolbag?

1. 学生通过实物和图片掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, clock,tape, radio, hat, etc;

2. 通过独立思考和小组合作,能灵活运用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介词;

3. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答;

4. 掌握名词单复数及人称代词的用法。

1.重点:A. 方位介词: in, on, under, behind, in front of, near 等的用法;

B.Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the… in/on/under the …?的肯定、否定回答;

C.新单词:bed,table, bookcase,……

2.难点:A. 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;


The First Period (Section A, 1a–2d)

Revise some school things by ask questions.

e.g. What’s this? Is this a ...? How do you spell it? Etc.

Learn the new words in, on, under... By helping the teacher to find the lost things.

e.g. T: Where is my English book?

S1: I think it’s on the desk.

Teach the new word “where” and the use of “they”.

Consolidate the prepositions by looking at the scree and answer the questions:

Where’s...? Where’re...?

T: Please look at the picture in activity 1a. There are some things in it. Do you know what they are?

a. T: Would you please match the words with the things in the picture?

b. T: How many words do you know? Can you share the words you know with your partners?

c. T: Please discuss with your partners and check whether your answers are the same.

T: Please read the words after me. Table ...

T: Listen to the recording of 1b for the first time.

T: Number the things in the picture when you listen to it for the second time.

a. T: I would like you to read the tape script together.

b. T: Would you please read it by yourselves three times?

a. T: Let’s translate the conversation into Chinese.

b. T: Who can tell us what it means?

c. T: Yes. When we ask the positions of things, we use the word “where”. And from the picture, we know that the word “on” means “在上面” “in” means “在里面” “under” means “在下面”. They are called prepositions “介词”。

Step 4: Game: Hide and look for things

Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school

thing and ask: Where’s...? Where’re...? The other student guess and answer: It’s in your desk. They are in your pencil case. etc. Ask some pairs to share their performance.Step 5: Listen and imitate

Section A, 2a. Revise what the things are. Play the tape for students and let them number them.

Section A, 2b. Play the tape again, students number the things in the picture. Imitate the dialogues.

T: Let’s move to activity 2c. Shall we read the conversation together?

a. T: Now, let’s guess where the things are.

b. Students work in pairs. Student A covers the picture in 2b. Ask about where the things are in the picture. Student B answers the questions.

c. T: I would like to give you an example.

Example: T: Is the pencil box on the sofa?

S: No, it isn’t. It’s under the sofa.

d. T: Change roles after making one conversation and then practice again.

Role-play the conversation. Show a picture of a room. Give Ss one minute to look at it, and then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and where they are.











《How much are there pants?》选自义务教育课程标准实验教科书七年级第七单元。


本单元的中心话题的购物,主要语言功能项目的谈论服装、询问价格和表示感谢,语法结构是how much引导的问句及其回答,名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this,that, these,those的用法。






本单元通过学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答,让学生学会谈论物品的颜色和价格、对服装的喜好和购物时使用的礼貌用语等











3.在购物的情景中,熟练并正确使用句型:How much is…? It’s… How much are …? They are….教学难点:

1.指示代词this, that, these, those的适当使用。

2.How much引导的问句以及回答,以及句中主谓数的一致


Step 1: Greetings.Step 2: Lead in.T: Do you like shopping ?

S: Yes, I/ we do.T: What do you want to buy ?

Show some pictures of different clothes to Ss.T: What’s this ? Do you know?

It’s a T-shirt/sweater/bag/skirt/hat.(Write the names of the clothes on the Bb.)

T: What are these?

They are socks/shorts/pants/shoes.(Write these new words on the Bb.)

Step 3: Read the words and then do the exercises.1.Match the words with the pictures in 1a.(Ask Ss to read the words and match the words with the pictures.Then check the answer.)

2.Listen and circle the things in the picture Ss hear in 1b.(Ss should circle the green shorts, the white sweater and the brown hat.)

Step 4resentation

Show a jacket

T: How much is the jacket?

Ss:(Help students to answer)It’s …dollar(s)/ a hat

Ask students to practice like a pair of shoes

T: How much are these shoes?

Ss:(Help students to answer)They are…dollar(s)/ a pair of socks

Ask students to practice like above.Step 5:Practice

Show some things and ask students to practice in groups like above.Step 6: Pairwork.Let Ss make their conversations to practice the pattern in pairs.Then ask several pairs of Ss to perform their conversations.Homework

Write a new conversation in your exercise books.






















兴趣是最好的老师,因此,无论哪一堂课上,老师都应该采用不同的手段来吸引学生的注意力,而教学评价对于学生来说很重要,教学评价是否到为将直接关系到学生对该科的学习兴趣,我们应该尽量让学生有成就感,教学评价的基本原则就应该进行积极的评价。用激励性的语言进行评价,例如:very good, pretty good, excellent,fantastic,等等。

















学习A Lucky Escape这篇课文





























在悠扬的轻音乐中,我开始了上课。这是一堂人物外貌的描述课,所以我用一个游戏“Pally says…”game开始引课。

StepI.Guidance: Play “Pally says…”game目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。

Rulers: If Pally says touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm. You should do it . If it doesn’t say that, you can’t do it. If you are wrong, you have to sit down. The person who does it correctly is the winner.

After that we begin to study our lesson.

T: Do you like Miss Hu?

Ss: Yes.

T: Why?

Ss: Because you are beautiful.

T: Thank you. Do you like her?(图片展示)

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, I know you think she is a beautiful girl, too. And you like any beautiful person. Today we learn Unit 7 What does he look like?( 图片展示同时板书。)

Step II. Teach the new words and new sentences pattern.

The teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern. And then ask the Ss to describe the classmates.


StepIII. Pair work

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss practice like this.

A:What does he look like?

B: He has short hair. He is tall. He is medium height.


StepIV. Play a guessing game.

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example.Then ask Ss to describe anyone in the classroom. Let the others guess.


StepV. Free talk: talk about any person who you like.


StepVI. Describle and draw

Ask Ss to describle “What do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.




StepVII. Motto


StepIX. Homework.

1. Copy the sentences in Grammar focus.

2. Describe your friend,your parent, your teacher or any other person,and then write it down in your exercise book















在板书设计上,为了避免学生把is和has混用,我采取了分开总结排版的格式,让学生能一目了然,描述什么该用什么词语。这样能使他们更容易接受,并且能分清它们的区别。 而课后作业是描述朋友、父母的外貌特征。这样设计的目的是为了巩固知识培养和提高学生的写作能力 。通过以上几步的语言输入练习,让学生再进一步创造性活用所学语言,提高学生的写作能力。






How do you come to school?

通过本单元的学习,学生能够谈论有关交通工具情况,围绕how do you come to school? by bike/by car/ by bus...等句型。

how do you come to school? by bike/by car/ by bus...




2. 复习巩固以How开头的特殊疑问句的用法。进一步理解,熟悉,运用一般现在时。

本单元的核心教学项目是“交通工具”,即用英语询问某个人物上学或上班或其他活动的时候所采用的交通工具的语言。教育学生询问他人的时候用句型how do you come to school要求学生掌握好助动词do在不同人称特别是第三人称单数后的变化。通过学习本单元内容使学生了解人乘坐不同的交通工具的表达方式。

本单元的核心内容是“运用某种交通工具去某地的表达法”。在口语训练方面,主要是练by bike/bus/car/train/ship/plane及其问答。如:How do you usually go there/…? I usually go there on foot/by bike/…How many students go there on foot/by bus/…?等。对于第 110课第1部分两位老师的对话,我们可带着Is it a nice day?How does Mr. Wu usually come to school?What is wrong with his bike?这样的问题,先听后读再说,去学习对话。语法方面主


本单元带情景的对话始于第110课第一部分,尽管只有三段简单对答,其中却包含本单元的教学要点。如果第109课的词汇和句型练习进行得顺利的话,可将这部分移至第一节课中操练。教师可先借助课本中的六幅图,将by的用法教给学生。做法是:先造单句,然后再导入对话。教师设立几个典型场景,请学生回答,如:在一般城镇中Students usually come to school by bike/by bus/on foot.其中有些学生可能是by car/taxi; 在水乡生活的学生多半是by boat;而山区的孩子们可能是on foot;而牧区的学生也许是on horse,那么什么情况是by train可让学生自己思考;他们也许还有许多其它选择,如motorcycle(摩托车),minibus(小公共),electric bike(电动自行车),subway(地铁),coach(长途公共汽车),steamer(汽船)等。


LI LEI: Hi, Yang Lan. Look at the sun. It's a fine day for a walk, isn't it?

YANG LAN: Yes. That's right. You came by bike today. Don't you usually come to school on foot?

LI LEI: Yes, I do. I like walking. But not today.

LI LEI: I got up late today. I didn't want to be late for school so I came by bike today.

本单元对话训练的结果应使学生就‘“交通工具”这一话题,联系生活实际,自编对话,表演出来。本单元课文的听力练习安排在第 110课第三部分;练习册第 110课练习2也是个听力练习。它们应与对话训练密切配合,达到听说相结合的目的。


Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

1 Use the picture that you have brought several times to your lessons. Give a picture to each pair. They should discuss the picture in as much detail as possible. By using pictures, students can become more comfortable with just speaking. As the students are describing the pictures, make sure they don't write down the description. Some students feel they need to write what they are going to say before they say it. However, this is a bad habit, and will actually hinder their language learning. Encourage the students just to speak. As they are talking wander around the room and give help as necessary.


2 Have the students design their own kind of transportation and name it. They should give the purpose of their vehicle. Maybe they want to design something that takes them to the moon, the sun, or just around the block. Encourage them to be as creative as possible. You may need tohelp them with some of the names of parts of vehicles like tyres, windshield, etc.



over the river指“在河的上空(或上方)”,on the river指“在河面上”。over和on都是介词,over是“在……上方”的意思,on是“在……上面”的意思,前者指两物体不接触,后者指两物体相接触。如:

There’s a light over the table.

There’s a bridge over the river.

How many boats are there on the river?

The kite flies over the house.

There’s a tall building on the mountain.


The plane flies over the mountain.

The red car runs over the bridge.

The car runs fast on the road.汽车在路上飞驰。

too much和too many都作“太多”解,too much修饰不可数名词。而too man修饰可数名词。这里副词too是“太”,“过分”的意思,加强 much或many的程度。如:

You can’t have too much food at a time, or you II feel bad.


There are too many people in that room. I can’t get in.


【注意】有时too much可单独使用,与介词短语for sb.连用,意思是“某人经受不住……”,而too many则不能这样用。如:

This problem is too much for a boy like him.


The trip is too much for my grandfather.


【注意】too much还可以作宾语或状语用,而too many只能作宾语,不能作状语。如:

You can't eat too much at a time.你一次不能吃得太多。

He talks too much.他说得太多。


My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays.

I’m often late for school.(often放在 be动词之后)

Sometimes I go to the park with my parents.

Se sometimes goes to school on foot.

But I walk sometimes.(sometimes放在句尾)











































1. —What’s that?

—It’s _________ pen. _________ pen is yellow.

A. a; The       B. an; The        C. a; An         D. an; A

2. —_________ Ms. Brown’s first name?


A. What       B. What’s        C. How       D. How’s

3. —_________ you Linda?

—Yes, I _________.

A. Is; am      B. Are; is       C. Is; is            D. Are; am

4. This is an English boy. Eric is _________ name.

A. he       B. his         C. she          D. her

5. One and eight is _________.

A. six       B. seven       C. eight         D. nine

6. The girl is Grace Miller. Miller is her _________ name.

A. first       B. one       C. school      D. last

7. —What’s her telephone number?

—_________ is 363-4458.

A. It     B. This        C. That      D. Her

8. —Is this your jacket?

—_________. It’s Jenny’s jacket.

A. Yes, it is      B. Yes, she is

C. No, it isn’t        D. No, she isn’t

9. Bob is _________ friend. _________ is a good boy.

A. my; His      B. my; He      C. I; His      D. I; He

10. —Nice to meet you.

A. Good morning!                  B. Thanks.

C. I’m OK.                          D. Nice to meet you, too.

11. —What _________ four and five?

—_________ nine.

12. —_________ you Kate Green?

—No, my name _________ Mary Green.

13. —What’s her telephone number?


A. It’s 786-1356        B. It’s Jim@

C. I’m 88567301        D. I’m Jenny

14. My name’s Alex Cooper. Alex is my _________ name. Cooper is my _________ name.

C. second; family   D. family; first

15. This is _________ ID card, but it’s not _________ card.

Hello! I’m Jack. I’m    16    Beijing, China. Dale is my friend.    17    last name is Brown. He is in China,    18   . I’m in No. 2 Middle School. My student(学生)    19    is 130934. Dale is in Beijing No. 5 Middle School. He    20    in my school. We can    21    in the evening. Jenny and Cindy are Dale’s    22    sisters. Jenny’s cup and pen are    23   . Blue is her favorite(最喜欢的)   24   . Cindy is two. She can say "   25    are you?" now. The girls are nice.

A: Good morning. My name is Jenny. What’s your name?

B: My name is Alice. Nice to meet you, Jenny.

A: Nice to meet you, too. What’s your telephone number, Alice?

A: Oh, my telephone number is 443-6598.

B: Is that your pen, Jenny?

A: No. That pen is white. My pen is purple. I like purple.

B: Oh, I like purple, too. I have a purple ruler.


26. It is morning now.

27. Alice’s telephone number is 443-6598.

28. Jenny has a white pen.

29. Alice likes purple.

30. Alice has a red ruler.

31. Smith is _________ last name.

A. Dale’s    B. Eric’s    C. Jane’s    D. Linda’s

32. What’s Dale’s telephone number?

A. 398-5117.   B. 278-1567.   C. 281-9176.   D. 535-2375.

33. _________ is Linda’s last name.

A. Brown    B. Smith    C. Green    D. Hand

34. _________ boys are in the table(表格).

A. Two    B. Three    C. Four    D. Five

35. Which of the following is NOT true(下列哪项陈述是错误的)?

A. Dale’s last name is Brown.

B. Hand is Eric’s last name.

C. Linda’s telephone number is 281-9176.

D. 535-2375 is Jane’s telephone number.


Hello! My name is Mark Brown. I am in Shanghai, China now. I am a student in a middle school. I like green and blue. I have a blue cup.

I have two friends. One is Liu Wei, a girl, and one is Fang Jun, a boy. Liu Wei’s telephone number is 6523-4476. She has a black jacket and she likes it. Fang Jun has no phone. His QQ number is 80123354. He has a jacket, too. He likes yellow. He has a yellow ruler and a yellow pen.


36. Mark _________.

A. is in Beijing                    B. is a student

C. likes black                      D. has a blue pen

37. Mark has _________ friends.

A. two              B. three           C. four                D. five

38. Liu Wei has a _________ jacket.

A. yellow           B. green            C. blue                D. black

39. Fang Jun has no _________.

A. friend            B. phone            C. jacket              D. pen

40. 下面哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Mark’s last name is Green.

B. Liu Wei’s telephone number is 6523-4576.

C. Fang Jun’s QQ number is 80123354.

D. Fang Jun has a white ruler.


I’m David. Today, I ask some of my friends about their favorite subjects.

Helen likes Chinese best and she says it is interesting. Lily likes Chinese best, too, and she says it is easy. Linda’s favorite subject is math because she likes her math teacher, Miss White. Mark’s favorite subject is science. He knows a lot about science. Tom’s favorite subject is history. He likes to read stories about history.

Helen, Lily and Linda don’t like P.E. They say P.E. is not interesting. Mark and Tom don’t like art. They say it is difficult.


41. David asks his _________ about their favorite subjects.

A. classmates        B. children        C. cousins             D. friends

42. Lily says Chinese is _________.

A. easy             B. difficult         C. interesting         D. boring

43. Mark’s favorite subject is _________.

A. math            B. science         C. P.E.              D. Chinese

44. 下面哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Helen’s favorite subject is English.

B. Linda likes her Chinese teacher.

C. Mark knows a little about science.

D. Tom likes to read stories about history.

45. From the last paragraph(段) we can know that _________.

B. three girls say that P.E. is fun

D. two boys say that P.E. is easy


46. Look! That is a map of _________(中国).

47. Alice _________(和) Jenny are English girls.

48. What color is _________(她的) quilt?

49. Tom is in his _________(学校) now.

50. Green is a(n) _________(令人愉快的) color.



A: Hello! Are you Alan?

B: 56. _______________. Alan is my friend.

A: Oh, that’s good. 57. _______________?

B: His phone number is 905-9233.

A: Thanks. By the way(顺便问一句), 58. _______________?

A: 59. _______________?

A: 60. _______________, Frank. I’m Jane Brown.

B: Nice to meet you, too.




时间:80分钟 内容:unit1---12 总分:110分

学校 —————— 班级——————姓名 —————— 座号————


1、r--le﹙规则﹚ 2、m--nd﹙介意﹚ 3、ch----p﹙便宜﹚

4、st----﹙停留﹚ 5t----﹙茶﹚ 6、b----f﹙牛肉﹚

7、b----ld﹙体格﹚8、r--n﹙雨﹚9、w--sh﹙洗﹚ 10、f--sh﹙鱼﹚


A、漂亮的 B、赞同 C、万里长城 D、少年宫 E、不再

F、中国文化 G、访谈节目 H、 一大碗 I、故宫 J、 肥皂剧

1、 talk show 2、 China Culture 3、 soap opera 4、 good—looking

5 、agree with 6、 the Great Wall 7、 not…any more

8、 the Palace Museam9、 the Children’s Palace 10、 a large bowl of



﹙﹚ 1. What does your brother look like? A. Yes, they did.

﹙﹚2. How was your weekend? B. It’s ten yuan

﹙﹚ 3. What time did Tom get to school? C. He’s tall with brown hair

﹙﹚4. Did your parents go to the movies yesterday? D.At about six o’clock

﹙﹚5. Where does Mr Smith come from? E. Yes, there is.

﹙﹚6. What is your best friend like? F. They are playing soccer.

﹙﹚7. Are the children playing soccer or basketball?G. I like Chinese.

﹙﹚8. Do you like English or Chinese? H. America.

﹙﹚9. How much is the book? I. She is really friendly.

﹙﹚10. Is there a post office near here? J. It was great.


1 、I often v___ my grandmother.

2 、Where did you go on v______ last year?

3、She went shopping last night, but the shops were too c______.

4 、My brother usually a_____ late for class.

5 She likes the scarf, but I don’t s_____ it.


1、Don’t ______﹙eat﹚in the classroom.

2、They________﹙go﹚to the beach last weekend.

3、Miss Wang is ________﹙friend﹚to us.

4、Look! The boys__________﹙play﹚soccerover there.

5、They enjoy ________﹙listen﹚to music.

6、There aren’t_______﹙some﹚mutton in the fridge.

7、She _______﹙wash﹚clothes every morning.

8、It’s_____﹙sun﹚. Let’s go out for a walk.

9、We have to______﹙clean﹚the classroom on school day.

10、Thank you for______﹙join﹚us.


﹙﹚1、You are from Australia, can you _____Japanese?

A、 speak B、 say C、 tell

﹙﹚2 、You are a good girl._ _________

A、 Thank you very much B 、Sure C 、OK

﹙﹚3.________ late for school again.

A. Not B.Not be C.Don’t be D. Aren’t

﹙﹚4、 This is my friend, he is a _________boy.

A、 14-years-old B、 14 years old C 、14-year-old

﹙﹚5、 _______did you go last Sunday?-- I went to the zoo

A 、 How B.Where C.When D.Why

﹙﹚6、 Go straight and ___________left. The hospital is next to the post office.

A. turn B.take C.go D. carry

--What_______ _your English teacher _____like?—She is tall with long hair.

A.is, look B.is, looks C.does, look D.do, looks

﹙﹚7、My friend ________a medium build and she ________medium height.

A.has, has B.is , is C.has, is D. is , has

﹙﹚8、 --How was your vacation, Sarah?--________.

A. It’s pretty good B.It was pretty good C.It’s hot D.It was hot

﹙﹚9、 _____ Sunday night , we went to movies.

A 、On B、 At C、 In

﹙﹚10 How about ______ fishing this afternoon?

A、 go B、 goes C 、going

﹙﹚11、 ____________ I’d like some chicken.

A、 Do you like it? B、 Can I help you? C、 What do you like?

﹙﹚12、 Mary like playing __ guitar, but she doesn’t like playing __soccer.

A、 the B、 the, the C、, the

﹙﹚13、 John doesn’t like math, Lily doesn’t, ____.

A、 also B 、too C、 either

﹙﹚14、 She is a waiter. She is ___ at night, but she is free in the morning.

A、 funny B、 busy C 、tired

﹙﹚15、 Is there a park near here? _ __________

A 、Yes, there is. B 、No, it isn’t. C、 No, there is.

﹙﹚16、 Please be _____!It is a reading room.

A 、shy B、 smart C、 quiet

﹙﹚17 、This TV show is _____ , so I want to sleep.

A、 boring B、 interesting C、 exciting

﹙﹚18、 What would you like_____ lunch?-- A bowl of noodles, please.

A、 for B 、with C、 in

﹙﹚19、 There ____ many people in the park yesterday.

A was B were C are

﹙﹚20、 Why __go out for a walk?

A 、don’t B、 not C 、can’t


1、 I’d like some chicken noodles.﹙划线部分提问﹚ _____ _____ you _____ ?

2、Do your homework after school.﹙否定句﹚ _____ _____ your homework after school.

_3、She gets up at six every morning.﹙一般疑问句﹚ ____ she ___ ____ at six every morning?

4、His brother has some tomatoes. ﹙同2﹚His brother ____ _____ _____ tomatoes.

5、What do you think of the TV show ?﹙同2﹚ _____ _____ you _____ the TV show?

6、What can I do for you ? ﹙同2﹚_____ _____ _____ ______ ?

7、He watched TV last night. ﹙同3﹚____ he ___ TV last night?

8、Mr. Wang is teaching English in the classroom.﹙同1﹚

_____ ____ Mr. Wang _____ in the classroom?

9、Mr. Black is a little bit heavy.﹙同1﹚ _____ _____ Mr. Black _____ _____ ?

10、He is from Japan. ﹙划线部分提问﹚___________he _____?


It 51 Sunday yesterday. We has 52 classes. I got up at 6:30 53 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 54. My mother wanted to buy some food 55 super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop56 early in the morning.57a lot of people in the shop. They were 58, old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap, some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 59 friendly 60.

51.A.is B.was C.it’s D.it was

52.A.no B.not C.not any D.much

53.A.in B.in the C.at D.at the

54.A.shops B.shopping C.shopping D.shop

55.A.for B.to C.with D.at

56.A.open B.opening C.is opening D.opened

57.A. There is B.There has C.There were D.There have

58.A.man and womanB.mans and womans C. men and women D.a man and a woman

59.A.was B.were C.did D.have

60.A.for we B. to us C. for our D. to ours

60.A.for we B. to us C. for our D. to ours



Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brother’s.The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam’s. “We have the same mother, don’t we?”answered Billy.


61.Sam was older than Billy.

62.Sam and Billy were in different classes

63. The name of the composition was” My Mother”

64.Billy’s composition was the same as Sam’s

65.Billy was not lazy. He was very clever



Channel 1 Channel 2

18:00 Around China 17:45 Computers today

18:30 Cartoon network 18:10 Chinese arts

19:00 News 18:30 English classroom

19:30 Weather report 18:50 Animal world

19:40 Around the world 19:25 China’s

20:10 TV play: Sisters 20:20 Sports

21:00 English for today 21:00 TV play: Big family

21:15 Popular music 21:45 English news

21:55Talk show 22:00 Music

66.You want to know something about Japan, you can watch________

A.Weather report B.China’s 2004 C.Around the world D.Animal world

67.You are a football fan. You may watch TV at___________.

A.19:00 on Channel 2 B.19:40Channel 1 C.20:20Channel 2 D.21:15Channel

68.How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?

A.30 minutes B.50 minutes C.90 minutes D.120 minutes

69.You can watch _______if you want to learn English.

A.English news B.English classroom C.English for today D.A、B and C

70.Children often like to watch_________.

A.Cartoon network B.News C.Weather report D.Sports

B:Great! Thanks.











Unit 4 My Holiday  第一课时 一、教学内容:Let’s learn  Let’s play Let’s chant 二、教学目标与要求 1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food. 2.能够询问别人在假期里所做的事情并做答。 三、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是掌握五个动词短语的过去式形式。 四、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是以下六个单词的拼读和拼写:took, learned, sang, danced, ate, climbed。教师要多示范,通过有针对性的反复操练知道学生熟练掌握。 五、课前准备 1、教师准备本课时所需的单词卡。 2、一架照相机、食物、一首歌曲,一张照片。 3、教师准备本单元的挂图。 六、教学过程 1.Warm-up 1.教师放五年级下册的歌谣“Let’s go on a field trip…” 学生边唱歌边跟教师作相应的动作。 2.教师放Let’s chant的录音,学生跟着录音说。  2.Preview 1.“猜一猜”游戏:教师呈现学生小时候的照片问:Who’s he/she? 引导学生回答。然后教师拿出自己小时候的照片让学生猜。学生猜出后,教师指着照片说:Yes, it’s me. I was … years old then. 教师依次拿出几张风景照,问:Guess. What place is it? 引导学生回答。 3 Let’s start 教师展示本部分的挂图问:Do you like holidays? What do you usually do on your holiday? Do you go on trip? What do you usually do during your trips? 引导学生根据提示图回答。 4.Presentation and Practise Let’s learn 1.教师问一名学生:What’s your hobby? 引导学生回答。教师指着自己说:I like taking pictures. I have many beautiful pictures. 然后拿出一张风景照说:Look at this picture. I took the picture last week. 教师板书took pictures和take pictures,请学生认真观察并说出两个短语的不同之处,然后指导学生拼写。 2.教师拿出一张自己爬山的照片,说:I went to Xinjiang/…last year. Guess. What did I do there? 请学生猜。如果有学生猜到climb a mountain,教师就向学生展示照片:Yes, that’s right. I climbed a mountain. 教师板书climbed a mountain,带读,引导学生对东词原形和过去式形式进行比较。教师继续问:Have you ever been to any famous mountains? Where have you been? 引导学生说:I climbed Hua/Yandang/…Mountain.教师可继续提问:When did you climb Yandang Mountain? I climbed Yandang Mountain in spring/April 8th. 3.教师再次展示爬山的照片,说:I climbed Huang Mountain. Then I was hungry. I went to a restaurant. Guess. What did I do there? 如果学生猜到吃东西,教师就拿出一张美食的照片说:Yes, I ate. I ate good food. 板书ate good food和eat good food,带领学生比较不同之处。教师带读,注意强调ate的发音。 4.教师依次出示爬山和美食的照片说:I climbed a mountain. I ate good food, too. What else did I do there? Guess. 5.教师放课前准备的歌曲录音,放完一遍后,问学生:Do you like it? Would you like to sing along? 教师和学生一起跟着录音哼唱歌曲。教师问学生:What did we do just now? 引导学生回答:We sang a song. 教师板书sang和sing,带领学生进行比较。教师带读单词。教师边做动作边说:People in Xinjiang like singing. They like dancing, too. 教师板书sang and danced,带读。 6.教师出示本部分的教学挂图,介绍说:Mike and John went to Xinjiang together. Mike likes taking pictures. He took many pictures. What else did he do? 手指Mike学中文的图说:He learned Chinese. 板书 learned Chinese,带读。教师再问学生:What did John do? 引导学生回答:He climbed a mountain. He ate good food. He sang and danced. 7.教师放A Let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。 8.教师带领学生说唱下面歌谣: What did you do on your holiday? What did you do on your holiday? I took, took pictures. What did you do on your holiday? I climbed, climbed a mountain. What did you do on your holiday? I learned, learned Chinese. What did you do on your holiday? I sang, sang and danced. 9.快速抢答:全班学生分成四大组。请一名学生上来抽取两张卡片并依次做相应的动作,四个组的学生根据表演者的动作猜:He ate good food/ … and climbed a mountain/… 哪个小组手先猜出正确答案就得一分,最后总分最高的小组获胜。 10.  学生两人一组,轮流抽取学生卡片编对话。 Let’s play 学生两人一组,每人在长纸条上写过去式时的句子,然后把句子在单词间空隙处剪开。学生交换剪下来的单词,看谁能最先把同伴的两个句子排列好。 Good to know 1. 教师介绍普通相机一些基本零部件的名称和简单的摄影常识。 2. 教师一边介绍摄影的基本步骤一边用相机给学生照一张照片。 nsolidation and Extension 1. Activity Book 2.学生课后进一步熟悉照相的基本步骤,教师鼓励有条件的学生拍下几张照片,下节课进行班级交流   Unit 4  My holiday   Learned Chinese sang and danced ate good food   Took pictures climbed a mountain   第二课时一、教学内容: A Let’s try  Let’s talk  Let’s play 二、教学目标与要求 1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. 2. 能够听懂Let’s try部分的录音并完成练习。 3. 能够理解、说唱歌谣“Where did you go on your holiday?”。 4. 会使用英汉字典查新词。 三、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. 四、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 五、课前准备 1.教师准备本课时所需的词卡。 2.教师准备录音机和录音带。 3.调查表格;几张地名卡片,几张照片;英汉字典。 六、教学过程 1、Warm-up 1. 教师与学生的日常会话。 2. 复习上一课时新课呈现部分所学的歌谣。 2.Preview 1. 教师放A Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读并拼读动词短语。 2.“打擂台”游戏 请五名学生到教室前面,教师任意抽取一张短语卡片,让五名学生根据卡片上的内容造句,如:I learned Chinese at school. 不能正确造句的`学生即被淘汰出局。然后教师出示另一张卡片,留在台上的学生继续比赛。能最后留在台上的学生成为擂主。 3.Presentation and Practise Let’s try 1. 学生听Let’s try部分的录音,完成练习。 2. 教师提问:What do people in Xinjiang like doing? 引导学生回答:They like singing and dancing.. Let’s talk 1. 教师出示一张新疆的风景照说:Look at this picture. This is a picture of Xinjiang. I went to Xinjiang two years ago. 教师再拿出一张公园的照片,说:This is a park. I went to the park last weekend. 教师板书:I went to…指导学生拼写单词went。 2.教师出示一张中国地图说:This is a map of China. I went to a city last year. It’s in Guangdong province. It’s a new city. Guess. Where did I go? 引导学生用句型Did you go to ,,,? 猜一猜,然后教师说:Yes, I went to… 3. 教师邀请一名学生到讲台前面来描述自己曾经去过的一个地方,教师问:Where did you go on your holiday? 引导这名学生回答。再请几名学生轮流上台,台下的学生其问:Where did you go on your holiday? 教师指导讲台上的学生回答。 4. 教师在请一名学生上台,随意抽取一张地名卡片举起来,不要让台上的学生看到卡片的内容。台下的学生一起问:Where did you go on your holiday? 台上的学生用I went to… 回答。猜对地名后,这名学生指定另外一名学生上台继续游戏。教师再拿出上一课时的单词卡片,在学生猜出地点名称后,任意抽取一张动词短语过去式的卡片,带领台下学生问:What did you do there? 请台上的学生回答。教师注意强调there的发音。 5. 听录音,跟读Let’s talk部分的内容。 6. 学生操练对话,教师引导学生根据本部分插图的提示进行替换练习。 7. 教师出示能拼成重点句型的单词卡片,要求学生在最快的时间内组合成句。 Let’s chant 1. 教师问:Where did you go on your holiday? Did you have a good time? 引导学生回答:I went to … Yes, I had a lot of fun. 2. 教师放歌谣录音,全班跟唱。 3. 学生男女生各一组,一组唱问句,一组唱答句,看那组唱得好。 Pronunciation 1.  教师出示英汉字典,问:What’s this? It’s a dictionary. Yes. It’s an English dictionary. Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. 教师用中文介绍查英汉字典的方法。 2. 教师指导学生完成练习,然后让学生在词典理查一查练习中的单词,看谁查得最快。 nsolidation and Extension 1. Activity Book 2. 学生课后询问同学或老师曾经去过的地方,完成调查表。 七、板书设计: Unit 4  My holiday Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xingjiang.      第三课时 一、教学内容: A  Let’s read  Let’s talk sing Good to know 二、教学目标与要求: 1.  能够听懂、会读Let’s read中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。 2.  能够完成Let’s find out部分的练习。 3.  能够听懂、会唱歌曲“A trip to China”。 三、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是能读懂Let’s read部分的一封信。 四、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是能正确认读下列句子:Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow I’ll be back home.

